General Practice 2 Malta Handbook 2021/22
General Practice 2 Handbook
5. Student Assessment
5.1. Reflective/creative case study
Students must write a 500 - 1000 word reflective essay about a patient that has had an impact on them. This should ideally be someone they met through the GP 2 placement but might be someone they met elsewhere.
The focus of the work should be on why this patient had a resonance for them and how that might affect their interaction with patients in the future. For example you might describe a patient with schizophrenia who is of a similar age to you but is on a different life course, an elderly patient with dementia may have a particular resonance if you have a grandparent with dementia, you may have a family member with cancer, or you may have experience of ill-health yourself and that may affect how you relate to patients.
You should support your writing with a creative piece for example a photograph, a drawing, a poem that helps to tell the story you want to tell.
The piece of work must be submitted to your tutor and to QM+ by Day 5 of your placement i.e. 1/3/22 (CD) or 8/3/22 (AB)
Guidance for grading the reflective piece
| Merit | Pass | Referred |
Impact | The work moves/engages you. It stays with you/ opens new doors & new perspectives
| There were some interesting insights and perspectives that made you think but could have been explored further. | Themes/ideas addressed superficially. |
| Insightful reflection - focused on ‘key issues/ideas,’ explored from different perspectives, context and emotions are considered.
| Mix of descriptive account with some reflection e.g., the student considers their emotions, looks at the perspective of others, or identifies ‘key issues/ideas,’ but this could be expanded.
| Descriptive account – narrative account of what happened, with little or no reflection.
Aesthetics (If creative enquiry piece included) | Excellent use of chosen medium powerfully conveying the content, assisting the audience in engaging with the message. | Some originality. Reasonable effort and use of chosen medium. | Little original thought, little effort, not effective use of medium chosen, not conveying the content well. |
Feedback to students could include:
Points of excellence
Points for improvement - could include questions/prompts to encourage continued reflection
General comments