At Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry we are committed to ensuring that you receive the best possible clinical experiences. However, both the School and professional regulators realise that you may witness or experience something
which is of concern to you and may ultimately call into question patient safety. This module is intended to help you feel confident your concerns will be listened to, acted upon and that you will be supported in doing so.

For you
If you have witnessed or experienced something of concern then speaking up will allow you to help make changes and for the School to support you in anyway it can. In raising concern you will meet with experienced members of staff who will listen to you and help you take the appropriate action.
The GMC believes that medical students have a moral responsibility to raise concerns about patient safety, dignity and comfort. Professionalism is not about doing the minimum – it is about doing what is necessary to protect patients.

For your team
By raising a concern you will alert the School to something which may affect other members of your team. This may include other members of the clinical team but also your fellow students. By raising a concern you may help protect others who have not been in a position to speak up.
The School keeps a record of all concerns and feedback received from students and uses this information to monitor the quality of all placements so any concerns raised will help future students.

For your patients
As a medical student, even from first year, you are a member of the clinical team and patient safety comes first. The School wants students to feel able to speak up about anything that you if witness or experience that may call into question patient wellbeing or safety. Act immediately if there may be serious harm. We want to hear from you and support you through the right process.