Weekly outline

  • General

    • Forum Description: This forum is available for everyone to post messages to. Students can raise questions or discuss issues related to the module. Students are encouraged to post to this forum and it will be checked daily by the module leaders. Students should feel free to reply to other students if they are able to.

    • Please consult with the Module Guide for details on the module structure, expectations and assessment criteria. You may also wish to consult with the corresponding documents examples provided in the guide.

  • Assessment Information

  • Assessment 1: Identifying Learning Objectives

  • Assessment 2: Learning journal

    • As part of the assessment, you are required to keep a learning journal. The learning journal will count as 10% of your overall mark. 

      The purpose of your learning journal is to:

        • Help you keep track of your progress while you are on placement
        • Serve as a reminder of what you’ve achieved and what challenges you have overcome
        • Help you to identify strengths and weaknesses and areas for development
        • Assist you with writing your placement report and describing your professional and personal development

      For a learning journal to be useful, it needs to be updated regularly. You should start your journal within the first two weeks of your placement and keep it updated until a week or so before the report deadline.

        • In the first 3 months of the placement please keep your journal on a weekly basis
        • After 3 months you can continue to write it weekly if you wish to or you can change to writing it every two weeks

      For further details on learning journal please consult the DRAFT Module Guide.

      You have to submit your learning journal via the provided link until May 20th, 2024 

    • Learning Journal Assignment

      Please submit the Learning Journal here. Submission deadline is May 20th, 2024.

      Not available unless: You belong to OutOnPlacement
  • Assessment 3: Learning Objectives First Review

    • Please use an attached template for the submission of learning objectives first review.

    • Learning Objectives First Review Assignment

      Please submit the Learning Objectives First Review here.  Please note that the deadline of March 11th, 2024 is simply a cut-off date and we expect that the majority of you will submit your first reviews much earlier than this.  The first review should be completed approximately 4 months into your placement. Please use Learning Objectives First Review - Template given above for your submission.

      Not available unless: You belong to OutOnPlacement
  • Assessment 4: Learning Objectives Final Review

    • Please use an attached template for the submission of learning objectives final review.

    • Learning Objectives Final Review Assignment

      Please submit the Learning Objectives Final Review here.  The deadline for the submission is May 20th, 2024. Please make sure that the Review is submitted to your employer well in advance of the deadline. Please use Learning Objectives Final Review - Template given above for your submission.

      Not available unless: You belong to OutOnPlacement
  • Assessment 5: End of placement report

    • For the report, there are two items to submit:

      • The draft report – to be submitted to your line manager for clearance around  workplace confidentiality.
      • The final report – after your line manager has cleared your draft report for workplace confidentiality, your final report is to be submitted on QMPlus.

      1. The placement report should be maximum 2000 words in length, excluding items such as front page, acknowledgements, table of contents, bibliography and appendices (if included).
      2. Reports that fall outside this word count limit will be penalised as follows:
        • For every 100 words or part thereof that an assignment is over the word limit, there would be deduction of five per cent of the total marks available (i.e. five marks for an assessment marked out of 100).
      3. Your front page should state your word count excluding front page, acknowledgements, table of contents, bibliography and appendices (if included).
      4. We encourage you to take this as an opportunity to practise writing a succinct report; this is a prized skill at workplace.

      For further details on Draft and Final reports please consult the DRAFT Module Guide.

    • Final Report Assignment

      Please use the above link for the final report submission before the deadline -  May 20th, 2024

      Not available unless: You belong to OutOnPlacement
  • Assessment 6: Presentation

    • You need to submit a 5-minutes video presentation by May 20th, 2024. The presentation should focus on the following areas:

      1. What are the top three lessons you will be taking away with you from your placement year?
      2. Discuss the impact your placement has had on:
        • your plans for and approach to your final year of studies (this should include course related planning and ideas as well as any personal aims)
        • your career plans and aspirations

      For further details on Presentation please consult the DRAFT Module Guide.

    • Presentation Assignment

      Please use this link to submit your 5-minutes video presentation. The deadline is May 20th, 2024 

      Not available unless: You belong to OutOnPlacement

      Please use this link to submit your 5-minutes video presentation. The deadline is May 20th, 2024 

      • Uploading a video file is different from uploading other files - please follow the e-learning guide on video submissions available below. 
      • If you use a PowerPoint or other visual aid and you feel your video does not capture it well, then you may upload it as a second file - please note that this is entirely optional.
      • Full requirements and marking criteria for the assignment remain the same as those published in the DRAFT Module Guide except that there will no longer be a Q&A component to your presentation.
      • Link to Submitting a Video Assignment:
      • https://elearning.qmul.ac.uk/learning-applications/qmplus/student-guides/submitting-a-video-assignment/

      Not available unless: You belong to OutOnPlacement